By enrolling in The Power of Possibility Academy you are agreeing to these terms:

1) Advice Disclaimer

Whilst the content in this course has been developed based on experience and every good intention that it will help students achieve their goals, there are no guarantees, and it makes no claim that a goal will be achieved as a result of studying this course. All advice given - be it the course curriculum or commentary from the author or other students - should be taken as a guide, and each student make up their own mind and be responsible for the actions it inspires and encourages them to take.

2) Community Ethics

Students are invited and encouraged to be part of the discussion throughout The Academy. All correspondence must honour and align with the heart of this Academy - to support and encourage each other. Any comments or discussion that compromises won't be welcome.

3) Copyright

All rights reserved. All content created in this course remains the property of Alexandra André, and no part of it should be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission.

4) Lifetime Access

As part of your membership you get 'lifetime access', which means for as long as the program runs, you get access to it. If for some unforeseen reason the program does come to an end in the future, plenty of notice will be given to Academy Members and all content in the curriculum that is able to be distributed, will be, so it can continue to be used.